America's Work Force Union Podcast

Update on a redistricting amendment in Ohio with Tim Burga

Written by awfblog | June 4, 2024

President of the Ohio AFL-CIO, Tim Burga, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss why he’s meeting with leaders in the AFL-CIO, and an update on the Citizens, not Politicians effort to get a constitutional amendment on Ohio’s November ballot.

Burga discussed his meeting with fellow AFL-CIO state and Central Labor Council presidents in Washington, D.C., today. Tasked with modernizing the organization's work on a state and local level, he explained the steps they’ve taken so far. While at the meeting, Burga discussed how President Liz Shuler and Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond have worked with the state and local leaders to ensure they have all the tools necessary to accomplish their goal.

As the July 1 deadline approaches for meeting the requirements for an amendment issue to be added to the November ballot in Ohio, Burga discussed the progress of the signature gathering for Citizens, not Politicians. He explained the group's history and where the inspiration for the amendment came from. While the signature requirements are difficult to reach, he said that according to the last update he received, the amendment should reach the goal and be on the ballot later this year.

Finally, Burga provided more context on the bi-partisan effort to remove politicians from creating voting districts in Ohio. He discussed the history of the state's voting maps and how the maps were deemed illegal seven times before, no matter which party was responsible for the redistricting efforts. The amendment would remove any current or previous legislator from the redistricting effort. In their place, there would be a committee of 15 members with five Republican voters, five Democratic voters and five Independent members. This would ideally create the most balanced effort at redrawing the voting maps in the state.

For more from Burga, please listen to the show above.