America's Work Force Union Podcast

Union Veterans Council named AFL-CIO constituency organization

Written by awfblog | March 21, 2022

Will Attig, Executive Director of the Union Veterans Council (UVC), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss its recent designation as a constituency group organization of the AFL-CIO.

Founded in 2009, the UVC brings together union leaders and union members, who served in the military, to speak about veterans issues and influence public policy. It advocates for about 1.3 million veteran union members.

The new designation allows the UVC to become an independent organization, rather than simply being an AFL-CIO project, Attig explained. Under the umbrella of the AFL-CIO, the organization now has a seat at the AFL-CIO’s general board and will be able to make a greater impact on union issues at a higher level with official backing, he added.

He also talked about the war in Ukraine and encouraged veterans who may feel stressed when they watch the news to reach out for help — through the VA, friends and family or through fellow veterans.

Lastly, Attig discussed a recently released report by the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment. The report includes nearly 70 recommendations to promote organizing workers and collective bargaining for federal employees. The White House has taken an important step in making veterans and labor critical issues to the Biden Administration, and it is refreshing to see, he said.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about these topics: