1 min read

Season 3, Episode 66

Brown: Union support higher today than any time in our lifetime



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Sherrod Brown

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U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the recent excitement that has sprung up for unions around the country, inspired by the recent successful organization efforts at Amazon and Starbucks facilities.

Brown said there is more excitement about unions today than at any other time in our lifetime.

He also talked about his own support of 55 members of United Steelworkers Local 14919, who are on strike against Sherwin Williams at the company’s facility in Bedford Heights, Ohio. He recalled that his own father was a Steelworker, and said that workers only strike as a last resort because their backs are up against the wall.

Brown then emphasized the need to pass the Richard Trumka PRO Act in order to make it easier for workers to unionize.

He then spoke about President Joe Biden’s recent decision to extend the moratorium on the payment of federal student loan debt to Aug. 31. Brown believes student debt will ultimately not be canceled, but acknowledged these loans have oppressed today’s generation of students. Wages need to be raised because people cannot afford to pay back their student loan debt, he added.

Brown also discussed legislation he proposed to triple the current $250 tax deduction teachers can take for buying school supplies. The average teacher pays $1,000 out of their own pocket for school supplies, he added.

Lastly, Brown touched on the Support Kids Not Red Tape Act, which is legislation he introduced to extend USDA school meal flexibilities from June 30 to Sept. 30, 2023.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about these topics:

America’s Work Force is the only daily labor podcast in the US and has been on the air since 1993, supplying listeners with useful, relevant input into their daily lives through fact-finding features, in-depth interviews, informative news segments and practical consumer reports. America’s Work Force is committed to providing an accessible venue in which America's workers and their families can hear discussion on important, relevant topics such as employment, healthcare, legislative action, labor-management relations, corporate practices, finances, local and national politics, consumer reports and labor issues.

America’s Work Force Union Podcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: AFL-CIO, American Federation of Government Employees, American Federation of Musicians Local 4, Alliance for American Manufacturing, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes-IBT, Boyd Watterson, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, Communication Workers of America, Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust, International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local 50, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Crafts, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 6, Ironworkers Great Lakes District Council, Melwood, The Labor Citizen newspaper, Laborers International Union of North America, The National Labor Office of Blue Cross and Blue Shield, North Coast Area Labor Federation, Ohio Federation of Teachers, United Labor Agency, United Steelworkers.


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