1 min read

Season 3, Episode 54

Biden repackages Build Back Better into Build a Better America plan



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Bill Samuel

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Bill Samuel, Government Affairs Director for the AFL-CIO, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the future of President Biden’s agenda, particularly the Building a Better America plan, which will encompass much of the Build Back Better plan that stalled last year in the U.S. Senate.

The Build a Better America plan includes a number of provisions of the Build Back Better plan, such as financial penalties for labor law violations, and provides major support for working families, Samuel said. He expects the legislation to receive a vote sometime in the spring or summer. If Biden is able to pass the bill, it will make the first two years of his presidency the strongest beginnings of an administration in recent memory, perhaps going back to the New Deal, he added.

Samuel also discussed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, particularly its provisions to encourage Project Labor Agreements and union labor. The law will change the way business is done over the next several decades by making sure the money goes to companies with good labor records, he explained.

Additionally, Samuel spoke about U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Marty Walsh and his efforts to update Prevailing Wage law regulations. He called Walsh a breath of fresh air, who will encourage the enforcement of the Davis-Bacon Act and will raise construction wages across the nation.

Lastly, Samuel discussed a so-called 11-point Plan to Rescue America created by U.S. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), which would effectively sunset all federally funded programs after five years. The law is so ludicrous that it received opposition from Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Samuel said.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about these topics.

America’s Work Force is the only daily labor podcast in the US and has been on the air since 1993, supplying listeners with useful, relevant input into their daily lives through fact-finding features, in-depth interviews, informative news segments and practical consumer reports. America’s Work Force is committed to providing an accessible venue in which America's workers and their families can hear discussion on important, relevant topics such as employment, healthcare, legislative action, labor-management relations, corporate practices, finances, local and national politics, consumer reports and labor issues.

America’s Work Force Union Podcast is brought to you in part by our sponsors: AFL-CIO, American Federation of Government Employees, American Federation of Musicians Local 4, Alliance for American Manufacturing, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes-IBT, Boyd Watterson, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, Communication Workers of America, Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust, International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local 50, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Crafts, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 6, Ironworkers Great Lakes District Council, Melwood, The Labor Citizen newspaper, Laborers International Union of North America, The National Labor Office of Blue Cross and Blue Shield, North Coast Area Labor Federation, Ohio Federation of Teachers, United Labor Agency, United Steelworkers.


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