America's Work Force Union Podcast

AFL-CIO’s goal to organize 1 million workers lacks ambition

Written by awfblog | July 4, 2022

Hamilton Nolan, a Labor Reporter for In These Times, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed why the AFL-CIO’s goal of signing a million new members in the next decade actually lacks ambition and would lead to the continued decline of union density and the erosion of the working class.

In his recent article, “The AFL-CIO's Official New Goal: Continued Decline,” he pointed out that total employment is expected to rise 165.4 million by the year 2030, and the federation’s goal of just a million new union members would actually lower union density from 10 percent to 9 percent.

Nolan also said that the recent trend of workers forming their own unions such as the Amazon Labor Union should be a wakeup call for established unions to step up and meet new demands to unionize workers.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about these topics.