communication workers of america

Members of the Communications Workers of America are part of one of America’s largest and most diverse unions. We work not just in the communications and information industries, but also in the news media, the airlines, broadcast and cable television, public service, higher education and health care, manufacturing, in high tech and more.

history / background

Founded in 1938, CWA got its start representing telephone workers as the National Federation of Telephone Workers. It was renamed the Communications Workers of America in 1947. Today CWA represents workers in all areas of communications, customer contact, high technology, and manufacturing professions in both the private and public sectors, including health care, public service, education, customer service, airlines, and many other fields. Among CWA major employers are AT&T; Verizon; General Electric; the New York Times and Wall Street Journal; United Airlines and American Airlines; NBC and ABC television networks; the Canadian Broadcasting Co.; the University of California, and the state of New Jersey.


Claude Cummings Jr. on union leadership, diversity and advocacy

To help us celebrate Presidents Day,...