America's Work Force Union Podcast

Years of negotiations not enough to earn APFA members new contract

Written by awfblog | July 11, 2024

Alex Roberts, Government Affairs Representative and Contract Action Team Ambassador with the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the ongoing negotiations for a new contract with American Airlines.

Roberts’ mother was a flight attendant, and seeing her camaraderie with her fellow flight attendants helped attract him to the industry. He talked about growing up with a flight attendant mother and how her benefits helped make the final decision for him to pursue a career with American Airlines, where he eventually became a member of the APFA. The APFA is home to 28,000 American Airlines flight attendants.

The APFA has been negotiating with American Airlines for nearly six years to get a new contract. The last pay increase for members was in 2019. Roberts talked about the negotiation history, a union strike and an Unfair Labor Practice filing that led to eight weeks of mediated negotiations that recently concluded without a new contract. Because of the regulations of the Railway Labor Act, there are limitations to the resources available to help the union during extended negotiations, Roberts explained.

Roberts discussed the impact no pay increases over the past decade has had on the workforce. He shared a story of some workers sleeping in their car or eating unused meals from flights to afford daily life. Roberts applauded the APFA for keeping the members aware of negotiations and keeping the process transparent. While the delayed negotiations are frustrating for members, Roberts said members are doing what it takes within regulations to get the industry-leading contract they deserve.

Listen to the show above to hear more from Roberts on the ongoing negotiations between APFA and American Airlines.