America's Work Force Union Podcast

Workforce Transition Plan helps workers switch industries

Written by awfblog | March 8, 2024

Thom Kay, Program Manager for Energy Transition at the BlueGreen Alliance, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the hardships faced in coal mining communities after the mines shut down. He also spoke about a Workforce Transition Plan to help workers in the fossil-fuel industry find suitable employment after losing their jobs.

Kay discussed how the end of coal mining destroys communities and how the Biden-Harris administration has been working to help those impacted communities. He also touched on the impact of closing coal-fired power plants on small communities. He said the BlueGreen Alliance asked the Biden administration to mandate that all federal agencies that deal with coal communities, including coal-fired power plants, communicate with each other. This created significant efficiencies and has benefitted local residents.

Kay then explained how a Workforce Transition Plan can benefit these same communities. When looking at coal-fired power plants in particular, Kay said these utilities are not held accountable for providing bad information regarding the closure of their facilities. He gave an example of one utility that successfully implemented a Workforce Transition Plan and how the displaced workers can be transitioned into jobs in different industries. 

When an individual works in a fading industry, Kay has the following advice: Plan early and take action early. The sooner a person plans for their future and takes action to find a new job in a different industry, the better off they will be. Earlier action means workers will not have to settle for bad jobs because they need to pay their bills. 

Listen to the entire episode to hear more about the coal industry: