Eileen Boris, Professor of Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, joined the America's Work Force Union Podcast to discuss Frances Perkins, the first female U.S. Secretary of Labor.
Perkins witnessed the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire and used this experience to fuel her passion for workers' rights. Boris explained that, as Labor Secretary under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Perkins championed key initiatives, including Social Security, unemployment insurance and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Boris discussed Perkins' “half a loaf” approach, which involved pushing for comprehensive reforms while accepting incremental progress when necessary.
Boris then discussed Perkins' instrumental role in establishing the U.S. presence in the International Labor Organization (ILO). Perkins coordinated efforts for the U.S. to join the ILO in the mid-1930s and later helped save the organization during World War II. Her work culminated in the 1944 Philadelphia Declaration, which reaffirmed the principle that labor is not a commodity and workers deserve fair standards and collective bargaining rights, Boris said.
Finally, Boris discussed current challenges to academic freedom and labor rights. She stressed the importance of preserving the liberal order Perkins helped create, highlighting ongoing efforts at UC Santa Barbara to protect academic freedom and support worker education. She emphasized the crucial role of trade unions and the need for continued union organizing at universities and beyond.
Listen to the full episode above for more on Frances Perkins' lasting impact on labor rights and social policy.