America's Work Force Union Podcast

To start 2024, some Ohio workers saw increase in minimum wage

Written by awfblog | January 4, 2024

Tim Burga, President of the Ohio AFL-CIO, joined America’s Work Force Union Podcast to talk about Ohio’s increase to the minimum wage. Burga also talked about their work with legislators and the battle to fix gerrymandered districts.

Ohio was one of 22 states to increase the state minimum wage on Jan. 1, going from $10.10 per hour to $10.45 per hour. This makes a total increase of $6 since 2006, something Burga said Ohioans can thank the state AFL-CIO. The increases apply to non-tipped workers, while workers who receive tips are now guaranteed a minimum of $5.25 per hour, over $3 more than the federal minimum wage for these workers.

The Ohio AFL-CIO remains vigilant against potential attacks on Labor through legislation. The proposed Senate Bill 83 seeks to change higher education’s collective bargaining law. The AFL-CIO is often at the State Capitol Building, working with legislators to ensure Labor has the best political environment to grow.

According to Burga, Ohio is a prime example of extreme gerrymandering of voting districts. The state’s politicians have drawn the maps to improve their re-election success. Burga then discussed the work being done by the group called Citizens Not Politicians who have proposed a bill to remove politicians from the redistricting process. He then talked about the combined efforts of the group and Ohio AFL-CIO to get the signatures needed to put the bill on the ballot.

Learn more about the Ohio AFL-CIO’s work by listening to the show above.