America's Work Force Union Podcast

The lasting impact of 9/11 on first responders 23 years later

Written by awfblog | September 11, 2024

In honor of the lives that were lost and impacted by the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, America’s Work Force Union Podcast was joined by Ryan Delgado, Chief of Staff for the New York State AFL-CIO and President of the Citizens for the Extension of the James Zadroga Act. Delgado discussed the organization's creation and how it helps first responders and survivors of 9/11.

23 years ago, on Primary Day in New York City, Delgado recalled the events of that fateful day. He talked about the unity and strength of the first responders and union members who rushed to the scene to try to recover as many lives as possible. Delgado talked about the toll the toxic fumes inhaled by the first responders has had on those on site. Unions and advocacy groups created the Citizens for the Extension of the James Zadroga Act and established the Victim Compensation Fund and World Trade Center Health Program.

The James Zadroga Act was originally funded for five years but was eventually extended until 2090. However, the funding could not be used to plan for the true needs of survivors. Delgado said that 370 firefighters have died due to health issues from the toxic fumes inhaled on 9/11. More firefighters have died of lasting health issues than died on that tragic day, Delgado said. He added that the Act has been able to help many, however, it hasn’t been able to help all the survivors, and that is something that needs to be fixed.

Delgado said that the only way to ensure survivors will be covered under the James Zadroga Act would be to pass the 9/11 Responder and Survivor Health Funding Correction Act of 2024. He said the new legislation would address the impending budget shortfall. Not only would it address the shortfall, but Delgado explained how it could improve the research and studies into the lasting effects of 9/11 on those who inhaled the toxic fumes.

Listen to the show above to hear more from Delgado.