America's Work Force Union Podcast

Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness Month in Review

Written by awfblog | September 29, 2023

Throughout September, the America’s Work Force Union Podcast covered different Unions' efforts to provide mental health and suicide prevention awareness to members. We featured several expert guests from various unions and union consultants. On today’s episode, you’ll hear the highlights from our expert interviews. The experts included this month are listed below. To hear their original interviews, you can click on the guest’s name.

There are many issues facing members of unions when it comes to seeking assistance and appearing weak. Here’s the list of our expert guests who spoke on the issues they’ve seen: Tobin, Carlough, Bohmann, Williams Jr., Becker, Howard, Dr. Sally and Liggett.

Unions don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach to providing resources, and they all have to adapt to best serve their specific membership. The experts who shared what their organization is doing to help were Howard, Tobin, Dr. Sally, Carlough, Becker, Williams Jr. and Jacobi.

To wrap up our discussion, we had Dr. Sally, Becker, Bohmann and Ielmini explain the summary of resources available for members both within their organization and help available in emergencies.

To hear the conversation on suicide prevention and mental health awareness, press play above.