America's Work Force Union Podcast

Raising the debt ceiling will not be easy with this Congress

Written by awfblog | April 21, 2023


Executive Director of the Alliance of Retired Americans, Rich Fiesta,  joined the American Work Force Union Podcast and discussed increasing the debt ceiling, potential programs facing cuts and an older entry age to use Social Security and Medicaid.

Fiesta warned that if the debt ceiling is not raised, Social Security and Medicaid could each face a 20 percent cut. He recalled how, in multiple past instances, the debt ceiling was raised without additional cuts made to any programs. Fiesta also noted that nearly 88 percent of Americans are against proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicaid. 

There is a strong possibility, Fiesta said, that many programs may face cuts -- including the Social Security Administration. However, the Social Security Administration is funded through the Social Security Program, and Fiesta does not believe there will be a large support for cuts to the Social Security Program.

Fiesta added that Social Security and Medicaid could face an increase in the entry age for both programs. He pointed to a blueprint for “An Improved America,” which was presented last year to Congress. There have been hearings on this plan, but Fiesta does not believe there is enough support to make any significant changes.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more.