America's Work Force Union Podcast

Providing SMART members the tools to improve their mental health

Written by awfblog | September 12, 2023

Chris Carlough, Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) MAP Program Coordinator with the Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the award-winning work being done to provide mental health support for members. 

Carlough wanted to create his own path and find his own career without following in his father and grandfather’s footsteps. But no matter how hard he tried, he inevitably found himself in his family’s footsteps of taking a national role within his union. Currently, he serves as the head of the SMART Members Assistance Program and strives to improve the discussion around mental health for members. Carlough described his first-hand experience with addiction and mental health problems and believes this experience has led to fighting for members harder than anyone would.

The SMART MAP began as a way to assist members through crisis. Carlough and his team began by creating a training program for leaders and developed a way to provide resources to their members. The pandemic was a struggle initially, but through trial and error, they were able to not only improve the program but extend its reach. More people were willing to discuss their mental health issues and sought out help during the pandemic, but there is still more work to be done to give all Sheet Metal workers the tools they need to improve their mental health, Carlough said.

Peer-led mentoring has proven to be the most impactful route to assist members. Initially, there was a lot of good work being done with the old format, but there were gaps in the reporting and assistance for members as they didn’t feel comfortable speaking with their bosses and leaders. Now SMART is training as many members as possible to provide the help and assistance needed to treat an issue. Not only is this part of the program focused on seeking help, but also on how to adapt back to everyday life following treatments, and this is what has set SMART MAP apart from other programs, Carlough said.

For more information on SMART MAP, please listen to the show above.