Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust (LMCT) Executive Director, Pete Ielmini, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to share updates on the Federal Mechanical Insulation Act and the potential taxpayer savings if the bill is passed. He also talked about other possible tax breaks related to mechanical insulation included in another proposed bill.
The Mechanical Insulation Act seems to have been progressing slowly for Ielmini, but political advisors have said the bill is moving near light speed. The bill, HR-4663, has 35 co-sponsors from both political parties. Ielmini talked about the bill’s purpose and how it could lead to more efficient and economical government buildings through improved Mechanical Insulation. As Ielmini continues to recruit more co-sponsors in the House, he is simultaneously seeking co-sponsors for a Senate companion bill.
HR-4663 is a short bill, and that has helped it gain support from many lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Its simple, common-sense writing showcases the ability of Mechanical Insulation to save taxpayers money and in return. According to Ielmini, there are over 350,000 federal buildings that could be made more energy-efficient through the use of improved Mechanical Insulation.
Another bill, HR-6104, that works with the Federal Mechanical Insulation Act was introduced with bipartisan support. The bill offers a tax credit for anyone who installs mechanical insulation into their public or private building. Ielmini talked about the potential savings home or business owners could experience if the bill passes. The bill's details are still being developed, but the incentives are the main concept of the bill.
Hear more from Ielmini on HR-4663 and HR-6104 by listening to the show above.