America's Work Force Union Podcast

Changes to Nippon Steel and U.S. Steel deal create new union concerns

Written by awfblog | September 19, 2024

Pat Gallagher, President of the North Coast Area Labor Federation, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss new concerns about Nippon Steel’s acquisition of U.S. Steel. He also discussed the Ohio AFL-CIO 2024 Labor Report and a recent voter registration event with the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW).

Nippon Steel has been in merger conversations with U.S. Steel that have been postponed. Gallagher discussed the reason behind the delays and some of the new concerns relating to International Trade Commission regulations.

The Ohio AFL-CIO recently released a 2024 Labor Report. Gallagher discussed many of the labor topics highlighted in the report, including potential ballot issues and candidates that could impact the future of labor in the state. 

Finally, Gallagher discussed the CLUW’s efforts to encourage Ohio residents to vote. He discussed how to check on your voter registration and the importance of voting for union members.

For more from Gallagher, listen to the show above.