America's Work Force Union Podcast

Parents overwhelmingly support public schools, teachers and unions

Written by awfblog | February 15, 2022

Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT) President Melissa Cropper joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss a recent national Hart Research poll that shows widespread parental support of public schools, teachers and teachers unions.

Despite numerous pro-privatization groups confronting school boards and speaking out against teachers unions, parents of public school children overwhelmingly support public education, Cropper said. According to the poll, about 72 percent of public school parents give favorable ratings to their children’s schools, and 78 percent rate their children’s teachers as excellent or good. By a 31-point margin, parents feel teachers unions have a positive impact on their children’s education.

Cropper also talked about Ohio’s redistricting process and how it will affect elections for Ohio’s State Board of Education. Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine, a Republican, announced which Board of Education districts line up with which Senate districts. She said the new alignment makes it hard for the strongest advocates for public education to be re-elected in their new districts. Urban districts have been grouped together with suburban and rural districts to dilute the voting power of communities of color.

Lastly, Cropper discussed OFT’s upcoming biennial convention to discuss and vote on policy positions and leadership for the next two years. It is the first time the convention has been held since the beginning of the pandemic.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about these topics.