America's Work Force Union Podcast

Ohio’s union density is higher than national union density

Written by awfblog | February 6, 2024

Tim Burga, Ohio AFL-CIO President, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and detailed Ohio’s union density stats, an update on the “People not Politicians” campaign to fix the gerrymandered voting districts and updates from the state Senate. 

Burga began by speaking about Ohio’s most recent union density numbers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics annual Union Density Report, Ohio’s union density is three points higher than the national union density, making it the highest union density since the 1960’s. The numbers don’t include those who have organized but have yet to earn a first contract. This makes Burga believe union density will increase beyond what has already been achieved. 

He then discussed gerrymandering the state’s legislative districts by anti-union politicians and how the Ohio AFL-CIO is fighting against this by working to place a new issue on a state ballot that places the power in the hands of the voters rather than politicians. Burga explained that the advocacy group “People not Politicians” could accomplish this by obtaining the signatures needed by the July 4 deadline.

Finally, Burga spoke about the progress of state Senate Bill 83. The bill is flawed, and it’s likely a good thing that there hasn’t been any movement, he said. Burga then talked about the low activity in the state’s legislative body. According to Burga, lawmakers need to prioritize healthcare, the economy and other serious matters that would allow Ohio to thrive. 

Listen to the entire episode to hear more about these topics.