America's Work Force Union Podcast

North Coast Labor Federation taking steps to get members to the polls

Written by awfblog | June 20, 2024

Pat Gallagher, president of the North Coast Area Labor Federation, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the costs unions pay to combat bad trade practices and how the labor federation is helping with the Ohio AFL-CIO election plans. He also talked about the efforts to end gerrymandering in the state.

Gallagher discussed the need for trade reform in the steel industry, and his experience dealing with trade cases with the United Steelworkers. Gallagher said the process is long and difficult, and by the time a remedy is decided the damage has already been done. Not only do decisions take too long, but they are also expensive, costing union members millions.

As the President of the North Coast Area Labor Federation in Northeast Ohio, Gallagher discussed the 2024 political plan for the Ohio AFL-CIO. The Labor Federation is taking a five-step outreach approach. Gallagher discussed the need for organized labor to get involved in the election process and why voting matters for the movement's future.

Finally, Gallagher discussed the effort to get an amendment to Ohio’s Constitution on the November ballot. The deadline for achieving the required signatures to get on the ballot is July 3. He talked about the initiative and how the amendment could help eliminate gerrymandered voting maps.

For more from Gallagher, please listen to the show above.