America's Work Force Union Podcast

More union jobs and new construction projects coming to Central Ohio

Written by awfblog | July 5, 2024

Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council (C/CO BCTC), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss Intel’s role in leading the construction boom in Central Ohio. He also talked about the need for improved infrastructure and how Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther has helped with the growth in the area.

Hager talked about how the part of the Intel plant currently under construction in Central Ohio impacted the construction boom in the region. Intel has stated that they will be investing about $2.5 billion over the next 10 years, and with that comes a large need for more highly skilled construction workers in the area. Hager talked about the current outlook for fulfilling the manpower needs of the project this year with union tradesmen and tradeswomen. He also discussed the future needs for new union members and how the building trades push for workforce diversity has helped unions organize and recruit.

Not only is the construction boom in Central Ohio bringing more union jobs to the region, but it has also created a need to improve the area's infrastructure. Hager talked about the population growth expected in the region over the next 25 years and what that would mean for the current infrastructure. He said several projects are being announced to support future growth, including new water treatment facilities, a new power plant and improved transit methods. Hager also highlighted LinkUS, Central Ohio’s plan for improving regional transportation to accommodate the population growth in the area.

Finally, Hager discussed the important role that Columbus’ Mayor Andrew Ginther has played in the region's growth. In honor of his work, Mayor Ginther was recently elected President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Hager talked about his work with Mayor Ginther and how important it has been to the construction boom to have a partner in the mayor’s office. 

For more from Hager, please listen to the show above.