America's Work Force Union Podcast

Michigan lawmakers continue their march to make history

Written by awfblog | March 16, 2023

Pat Gallagher, President of the North Coast Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and shared his thoughts as Michigan state legislators took a major step forward to repeal the state’s So-Called “Right to Work” laws. 

Besides serving as President of the Northern Ohio based North Coast Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, Gallagher also serves as the Sub-District 1 Director for the United Steelworkers, which includes the states of Ohio and Michigan.

Michigan is close to making history, as the state is set to become the first in the nation to enact and then repeal So-Called “Right to Work” legislation. Gallagher explained how over the course of a week, Michigan State representatives passed their version of the repeal bill and then the State Senate passed its version of the bill. Now, both pieces of legislation must go before the Michigan Reconciliation Board to iron out the differences prior to sending a final bill to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. He expects the governor to sign the legislation on March 21.

Gallagher then spoke about a new Collective Bargaining Agreement between union members and the two Hollywood Casinos in Ohio. The CBA covers two types of employees and both received wage increases. Non-tipped employees will get a 4.2 percent raise, while tipped employees will earn a $1 raise with a 2 percent increase in tips.

Gallagher also shared his thoughts on a report released by the U.S. International Trade Committee entitled Economic Impact of Section 232 and 301 Tariffs on U.S. Industries. According to the study, U.S. steel production increased over the study’s three year period, while imports decreased. Gallagher believes overseas steel producers want to the U.S. to decrease tariff penalties in order for them to once again import their steel into the U.S. The work to improve U.S. steel production will be undone if steel imports increase, Gallagher added. 

Listen to the entire episode to learn more.