America's Work Force Union Podcast

Memorial Day: A time to honor the fallen who died serving our country

Written by awfblog | May 30, 2022

Will Attig, Executive Director of the AFL-CIO Union Veterans Council (UVC), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the importance of Memorial Day as a time to remember and honor fallen veterans who died in service to our country.

While Veterans Day and Armed Forces Day are meant to commemorate the services of living veterans, Memorial Day is specifically a sacred day to honor the dead. He encouraged listeners to take a moment from their backyard barbecues and reflect on the men and women who served their country and never made it home.

Attig also talked about the atrocities being committed by Russia in their war against Ukraine, and how this can be especially triggering for veterans.

He also discussed veteran training programs such as Helmets for Hardhats and their importance in providing veterans a path to the middle class through a good paying career in the construction trades.  

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about these topics.