America's Work Force Union Podcast

Lessons from ATU Local 689's President Jackson

Written by awfblog | January 29, 2025

Raymond Jackson, President and Business Agent of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689, joined America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss his experience with the Local Union and the impact of privatization on the transit industry.

Jackson's career is one of dedication and resilience. With three decades of experience in transit, he has risen through the ranks to lead ATU Local 689, representing nearly 16,000 members across the D.C. area. His tenure has been marked by a commitment to protecting workers' rights, especially in the face of privatization efforts that threaten job security and fair wages.

Jackson's leadership was put to the test during the 2023 strike against Keolis, a company he said is notorious for its anti-union stance. The strike, lasting 67 days, highlighted the challenges of negotiating with companies prioritizing profit over people. Jackson noted the difficulties members faced during the 67-day strike. Their perseverance paid off, eventually leading to a contract settlement.

Jackson warned that the struggle with Keolis is a stark reminder of the pitfalls of privatization. Privatization often leads to cost-cutting at the expense of workers. He said profits often come from eliminating protections and benefits for workers. His advice to other unions is clear: remain vigilant and prepared to fight for fair treatment.

For a deeper dive into Jackson's insights and the challenges faced by transit workers, listen to the full episode above.