America's Work Force Union Podcast

Jane Fonda Climate PAC supports climate champion candidates

Written by awfblog | August 9, 2024

Mike Dolan, former organizer, Teamsters lawyer and consultant for the Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and spoke about his work for the PAC and how California is leading the nation in the transition to green energy.

Actress Jane Fonda created the PAC to elect climate champions throughout the country, particularly in California. The PAC supports candidates at all levels -- state, county and municipal. Dolan is currently conducting get-out-vote, grassroots work, which is reminiscent of work he did early in his career as a union organizer. 

He called the State of California the leader in the transition to green, clean jobs and belives it should serve as the model for other states. He discussed a California Steelworkers Local Union that is part of a coalition looking to impact policy by ensuring comprehensive safety nets for displaced workers -- wage replacement, healthcare coverage, retraining and relocation support.

Dolan said the transition from fossil fuel to green energy must be friendly to both workers and unions. Additionally, green technology needs to be made in America. The just transition, which is part of President Biden’s energy and trade policy, needs to emphasize a high-road approach that includes: Environmental sustainability, job quality and equity as equal and integral components, he added.

To learn more about the Jane Fonda Climate PAC, listen to the podcast.