America's Work Force Union Podcast

Healthcare innovation a leading benefit of union membership

Written by awfblog | June 13, 2023

Fund Administrator for the United Food and Commercial Workers Health and Welfare Fund Glenn Di Biasi, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to talk about the Fund, and what it does. Di Biasi also discussed modernized healthcare benefits in labor unions and how healthcare and wellness benefits are key to attracting and retaining union members.

The UFCW Health and Welfare Fund is the branch of the UFCW established by the Taft-Hartley ruling that handles all the UFCW’s funding for health and wellness. The funding comes from contribution dollars collected from payroll deductions. It is the job of the fund to ensure they save the most money while ensuring their members get the highest quality care possible. 

The challenge of modernizing healthcare has made the fund more aware of the way they allocate funds, and they’ve had to adapt to this new development. One adaptation that Di Biasi talked about was building out a healthcare ecosystem. The goal is to create advocacy programs that ensure a member facing any illness has a focused program to help them receive the highest quality of help. The focus has also grown into improving mental wellbeing. He shared additional details about the plans for their mental health program.

While today’s union density numbers are low, the struggle to organize and recruit new members is constant. One major bargaining chip unions have on their side is the incredible health and wellness benefits members receive. Gen Z is focused on improving their health and wellbeing in the workplace which requires benefits and protections rarely offered outside of unions. Di Biasi believes the best way to organize and retain members is with a robust health and wellness plan, and that is the way unions will be able to return to their previous membership numbers.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more.