America's Work Force Union Podcast

Goldstein: Ohio Supreme Court arbitration ruling is a labor victory

Written by awfblog | December 9, 2022

Joyce Goldstein, a labor and employee benefits lawyer at Joyce Goldstein & Associates, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed a recent Ohio Supreme Court decision that empowers workers to sue their employers in the event of injury.

In a 4 - 3 decision, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled the arbitration provision of a labor union’s Collective Bargaining Agreement did not bar an injured member from pursuing an intentional tort claim against his employer.

The case involved Steven Sinley, who worked in the maintenance department for Superior Dairy Inc. and suffered a severe injury to his right hand while repairing a grinder machine. Sinley sued his employer, which claimed his only remedy was to file a grievance with his Union under his CBA and go through arbitration. The Court ruled he could go to court on his own and assert his personal injury claim under state law, Goldstein said.

She explained the significance of the ruling and how it empowers workers to seek greater compensation by suing their employers directly. 

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about this case.