America's Work Force Union Podcast

Fighting against a nationwide attack on libraries and education

Written by awfblog | August 14, 2023

Emily Drabinski, President of the American Library Association, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and talked about the ALA and attacks on libraries across America. Drabinski also spoke about the Unite Against Book Bans campaign and a tool kit for patrons to support their local library.

Drabinski has worked as a librarian for nearly 20 years, and for most that time, has served on the Association. She explained how the ALA operates, as it is not a governing body for libraries or librarians. Drabinski addressed one of the largest misconceptions about the ALA - that it creates and implements library policy. While they cannot create policies, the ALA strives to create access and equity for all regarding libraries and the informational services they provide.

She said there is currently an organized, nationwide attack on libraries and librarians, as groups seek to remove books written by and/or written about underrepresented groups of people. The efforts have gone so far as to seek the removal of several hundred books that are not stocked at local libraries This is the first time in her 20 years as a librarian Drabinski has had to deal with anything of this sort.

To help library patrons and librarians alike, the ALA created a tool kit to provide assistance and guidelines to show support for local libraries. This tool kit also supports their campaign, Unite Against Book Bans, as it provides helpful statistics to promote reliable facts on the need for local libraries. To learn more about the campaign or to access the tool kit, please visit

To hear more from Drabinski, please play the episode above.