America's Work Force Union Podcast

Fiesta: One in four workers in America have no retirement plan

Written by awfblog | June 21, 2024

Rich Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the need for retirement planning. He also discussed upcoming events focused on education for the November election and the Alliance’s Annual Congressional Voting Record.

Retirement security is a concern for nearly 25 percent of Americans. According to recent polls from the Alliance, nearly one in four workers does not have any money saved for retirement and does not expect to be able to retire. Fiesta talked about the decline in defined benefit pension plans and the decreasing number of pension plans in general. He talked about the decline in pay and increase in inflation that has caused the majority of the workforce to hope for Social Security benefits only if they aren’t part of a union.

Fiesta discussed the upcoming events the Alliance will attend along with organized labor groups across the country in the lead-up to the November election. He discussed the organization's efforts to increase retirees' awareness of the potential risks and rewards for each candidate in the election. 

The Alliance maintains information about the voting records of all U.S. Senators and House Representatives from 2001 to 2023. Fiesta talked about the list and how often it gets updated. The list focuses on 10 of the most important issues facing retirees, so not every vote will be shown. For more information on your representative’s voting history, please visit the Annual Congressional Voting Record page. 

Listen to the show above to hear more from the Alliance for Retired Americans.