America's Work Force Union Podcast

Conway: Controlled Competition by China Harmed U.S. Economy

Written by awfblog | March 24, 2023

Thomas M. Conway, International President of the United Steelworkers, appeared on the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and spoke about the U.S. trade policy with China and the trouble with a tiered wage system.

Conway feels a two-tier wage system has caused issues in the workforce. The employees who work under this system have voiced their displeasure and he believes they are slowly gaining their desired wage rates. 

In mid-March, Conway was appointed to the White House’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations (ACTPN). He is one of several union leaders who serve on the committee, which also includes the business leaders as well.  

When it comes to U.S. trade policy, he is concerned about having China as a trade partner. China currently has a most favored nation trade status, but legislation has been introduced to repeal this policy. As such, many Chinese imports are not subject to a tariff. Conway said China’s growth has led them to price goods at a predatory level. This it in addition to China stealing intellectual property. By allowing controlled competition from China, U.S. leaders caused significant harm to the U.S. economy. He hopes China will lose its favored nation status.

Conway also touched on the work by Michigan Democrats to repeal the state’s So-Called Right to Work” laws. He feels this is a direct result of the effort by Democrats to focus on supporting union rights, which ultimately helps workers improve their lives. 

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about these topics.

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