America's Work Force Union Podcast

Connecticut speed camera pilot program aims to protect highway workers

Written by awfblog | September 22, 2022

Connecticut Employees Union Independent  (CEUI) President Carl Chisem joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed how a work zone speed camera pilot program, which was developed in cooperation between the Union and the  Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), will protect the lives of its members. 

The CEUI represents over 7,000 active and retired maintenance and service state workers in Connecticut.

In conjunction with CTDOT, the CEUI established a pilot program to operate work zone speed cameras at three locations on state highways where construction, maintenance or utility work is being performed. 

Chisem explained that this was done in the interest of protecting the safety of his members. Once the pilot program is complete, CTDOT will assess the pilot program's efficacy and submit a report to the state’s Transportation and Appropriations committees.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about this pilot program.