America's Work Force Union Podcast

Color Health guides union members from cancer treatment to recovery

Written by awfblog | May 31, 2024

Mullissa Willette, President of the Service Employees International Union Local 521, and Josh Sturm, Chief Revenue Officer at Color Health, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the reasons union members are receiving cancer diagnoses at a higher rate than average, and how Color Health is helping union members receive quality care.

Due to the high-stress environments, environmental risks and other stressors, union members are receiving more cancer diagnoses than the average worker. Willette discussed the various factors, such as possible exposure to asbestos or hazardous cleaning chemicals that continue to harm workers over time. Sturm added that with Color Health cancer care program, unions like Local 521 are receiving improved education on cancer screenings that lead to early detection, quicker treatments, increased chances of survival and a lower overall cost for care. He discussed the ways members have chosen to use the program. This includes in-person doctor visits, calls with Color’s clinical team, or text conversations with their Care Advocates. Sturm said that members and their families have the support they need when they need it. 

Willette said focusing on ensuring her members receive affordable and equitable health care has led her to work with Color Health. The company's ability to guide members through the entire cancer care process from diagnosis to treatment and beyond has been a great help, she said. The company has already served millions of patients, including union members with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, SEIU Local 521 and more. Sturm discussed how the company works with unions to educate members on cancer screenings, what to do when diagnosed, and how Color will guide them through the necessary recovery steps.

SEIU Local 521 is home to 53,000 public, nonprofit and private-sector workers across 17 counties in the Bay Area and Central California. In addition to her role as President of Local 521, Willette also serves on the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) Board of Administration. Color Health makes population-scale cancer detection and care accessible, convenient, and cost-effective for employers, health plans and unions. Cancer care solution, built in partnership with the American Cancer Society, is a comprehensive, integrated care model that supports participants from detection through diagnosis, care, treatment and survivorship through a first-of-its-kind Virtual Cancer Clinic. 

More information available from this conversation provided has been provided by Color Health and is located in the Supportive Documents section to the left.

Listen to the show above for more information on how Color Health is helping union members receive proper care for cancer diagnoses. If you’d like to learn more about Color, please visit their union-focused website,