America's Work Force Union Podcast

Child labor laws weaken as industries seek a cheaper workforce

Written by awfblog | April 5, 2023

Journalist and an Economic Policy Institute contributor, Jennifer Berkshire, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the intentional weakening of child labor laws nationwide. 

Recently, six states have weakened or are currently in the process of weakening their child labor laws. The reasoning reportedly is that parents don’t always know what is best for their children. The changes allow the child to decide whether to work longer shifts and more hours in a week.

Berkshire believes many states are weakening child labor laws or are in the process of weakening them to help fill lower-paying jobs. These jobs are usually dirty, and dangerous and don’t provide many protections for the workers. Berkshire believes that these industry employers are seeking cheaper labor. She shared that due to the difficulties in organizing children and their desire to please their boss, child labor makes for perfect workers for companies. 

Berkshire said parents’ rights are being challenged in the process of weakening child labor laws. This is the first time since compulsory schooling became the norm that parents’ rights face such a challenge. Ironically, the old parents' rights campaigns served to fight against children going to school and getting an education. Instead, parents wanted to keep their children at home, caring for their farms.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more.