America's Work Force Union Podcast

CEA President discussed memo from Columbus City School Board member

Written by awfblog | July 8, 2024

John Coneglio, President of the Columbus Education Association (CEA), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the recent memo released by a Columbus City School Board member following public outcry against the board's school closure plan. He also talked about the history of relations between the school board and the union and what may happen next.

With the increase in population fueled by the construction boom in Central Ohio, the CEA has experienced similar growth. The union is Ohio's largest Local teachers’ union with over 4,500 members. Members include nurses, building substitutes, teachers, occupational therapists, social workers and school psychologists.

About two years ago, the CEA went on strike to try to get the schools that students in Columbus deserve, Coneglio said. He talked about the school board at the time and the issues it created for teachers and students. Fixing the board was the goal, and the CEA endorsed a group of candidates who could improve the situation. Following the election of the new members, Coneglio explained how the board’s school closure plan released in November 2023 changed everything.

After the public outcry against the school closures, one of the newly elected members wrote a memo outlining how the board could exclude the parents and union from future board meetings. Coneglio outlined the plan in the memo and how it would negatively affect parents and students in the area. He discussed the fallout after the memo's release and what is next for the CEA.

For more from Coneglio, please listen to the show above.