America's Work Force Union Podcast

Martiny: Now is the perfect time for women to get into the trades

Written by awfblog | November 7, 2022

Greater Kansas City Building and Construction Trades Council Business Manager and Financial Secretary Alise Martiny joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the challenges women face in building the trades and how such a career can be financially lucrative.

Last month, Martiny was awarded the first Tradeswomen Build Nation Lifetime Achievement Award at the Tradeswomen Build Nations conference in Las Vegas.

Martiny shared her experience as a cement mason in the early 1980s when few women worked in the trades. Women had to work twice as hard to be accepted, she said. Fortunately, she received valuable help and support from members of her Local Union, Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons Local 518.

She recalled challenges faced by women in the trades 40 years ago, such as having to use safety harnesses and clothing designed to fit men. Today, the building trades are more acceptive of women, she noted. Martiny also encouraged more women to get into the trades because of the lucrative financial and career opportunities available to them. 

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about Martiny’s experience.