America's Work Force Union Podcast

August Jobs Report gives hope for lower inflation and interest rates

Written by awfblog | September 12, 2024

Scott Paul, President of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the August Jobs Report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the potential impact on inflation and interest rates. He also discussed how investments in American-made products and infrastructure have given him hope for the future of manufacturing in America.

The August Jobs Report reported that another 24,000 jobs were lost in American Manufacturing in August. Paul discussed why the August report is not as bleak as it appears and why he’s optimistic about the future. He discussed what could happen with the Federal Reserve and potential changes.

Paul said America's investments in clean energy, infrastructure and semiconductor manufacturing should set the country up for success in the future. However, there are potential risks depending on policies from Washington, D.C. He discussed his concerns with International Trade Policy and tariffs that are being discussed this political season. 

Finally, Paul discussed the union workforce that manufactures all the Wilson Footballs used by the NFL and colleges nationwide. The company is based in Ada, Ohio, and is a great example of good union jobs leading the way in the manufacturing industry. He shared that several leagues have recently signed contracts with other union manufacturers and hopes to see the trend continue.

Listen to the show above to hear more from Paul and the AAM.