America's Work Force Union Podcast

As more women enter the trades, unions must provide ways to succeed

Written by awfblog | August 27, 2024

Tamara McCollough, DEI Outreach Associate with the Indiana, Illinois, Iowa Foundation for Fair Contracting (III FFC) and a seasonal instructor with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 Apprenticeship and Skill Improvement Program (ASIP), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss getting more women involved in the trades and how unions can improve the long-term sustainability of this initiative. McCollough also discussed how Tradeswomen Build Nations (TWBN) has helped empower women in the trades.

The III FFC is a nonprofit construction industry foundation established to increase market share for responsible contractors and work opportunities for skilled craft workers. It covers the northern third of Illinois, North Central and Northwest Indiana, and seven counties in Eastern Iowa.

As the focus on increasing female representation in the trades continues to grow, many are asking how the trades attract women. McCollough discussed strategies for recruiting more women, including her experience and advocacy efforts. McCollough also addressed the importance of changing the narrative that the trades are male-dominated, which can be achieved through community outreach and education.

McCollough said mentorship and apprenticeship training for women entering the trades are key to ensuring their long-term success. At Local 150, McCollough wants to form a dedicated committee or mentorship program. She also discussed plans to grow apprenticeship opportunities, particularly for women in her Local and beyond.

Finally, McCollough highlighted how Chicago Women in Trades and similar programs have supported and empowered women in the trades. She then discussed the significance of the TWBN conference, its continued growth and its positive impact on women in the trades.

Listen to the show above to hear more from McCollough.