America's Work Force Union Podcast

AFL-CIO remembers Richard Trumka’s legacy one year after his passing

Written by awfblog | September 2, 2022

AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and reflected on the one-year anniversary of the death of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, who passed away on Aug. 5, 2021.

Redmond felt Trumka’s death ushered in a year of changes for the AFL-CIO, capped off with his election as federation Secretary-Treasurer and Liz Shuler elected President.

With the Labor Day holiday approaching, Redmond stressed the need for solidarity across all facets of the labor movement. Workers do best when they are united to help each other organize new members in every industry, he said.

Redmond also spoke about politics. He is optimistic about the November mid-term elections, as numerous polls show Democrats gaining ground. He believes voters have started to realize the Democratic Party is the party for working people, and President Biden is the most pro-labor president in our lifetimes.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about these topics.