America's Work Force Union Podcast

AFL-CIO looks to Biden administration to craft labor-friendly policy

Written by awfblog | January 28, 2021

Now that the Trump administration has been voted out, the Biden administration is moving forward with policy changes and a new legislative agenda that favors working people.

The AFL-CIO is pleased with what they have seen from the administration thus far. AFL-CIO Director of Government Affairs Bill Samuel discussed changes at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Department of Labor (DOL), how Democrats can advance their agenda and more on America’s Work Force Union Podcast.

NLRB and DOL under the Biden administration

Samuel cheered the Biden administration for removing Peter Robb as NLRB General Counsel. This decision elicited cries of outrage from Congressional Republicans, who have requested President Biden reinstate Robb because he is fair and not political, something the AFL-CIO and other labor groups do not agree with.

He also said President Biden’s Secretary of Labor nominee, Marty Walsh should have no issue getting confirmed.

On the legislative front, Samuel is pleased with President Biden’s executive orders calling for a temporary emergency standard. However, it will take congressional action to ensure these orders have teeth and can last.

Advancing a labor-friendly agenda

The Democrats will face a tough road to fully implement their legislative agenda. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell can choose to filibuster any legislation and essentially rule from the minority.

Samuel said the fix is to remove the filibuster, though this needs to be done with caution.

This is the only way pandemic relief and more stimulus checks will be approved, as Republicans have signaled that they are concerned about the deficit and debt now that President Trump has been voted out.