America's Work Force Union Podcast

AFGE organizing campaign success comes from member-driven initiatives

Written by awfblog | July 18, 2024

David Cann, Director of Membership and Organizing for the American Federation of Government Employees, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the Drive to 325 organizing campaign and the impact of the late Jane McAlevey on the campaign.

The goal of the Drive to 325 organizing campaign is to increase the AFGE membership to at least 325,000 dues-paying members by the end of 2025. The organization recently passed its goal of 300,000 members four months earlier than expected and Cann discussed why the AFGE’s membership is more unique than other unions. While every worker covered under a bargaining unit is an AFGE member, those who do not pay dues receive the benefits of the union without having a seat at the table to help decide the future of their career.

The late Jane McAlevey often discussed three main union operating models: a service model, a member-presenting model and an organizing model. Cann explained the differences between the three models and some of the benefits and drawbacks of each. According to Cann, the most successful model is the organizing model, with growth through member-driven actions. Cann discussed how the AFGE is using this method to organize the over 400,000 workers who are non-dues-paying members.

Collaboration has been the key to the success for the AFGEs' organizing drive. Cann noted that he has had conversations with other unions to find new methods for organizing and learned what worked for those unions. He used portions of those campaigns to create the Drive to 325. For the campaign to be a long-term success, the AFGE will need a mobilized and engaged member base, Cann added.

Listen to the show above to hear more about AFGE’s organizing success.