America's Work Force Union Podcast

Organization provides cancer support services for union members

Written by awfblog | July 26, 2024

CancerNavigator Co-Founder Adam Bradley joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss his organization’s mission to provide cancer support services for union members. He also spoke about the importance of detecting cancer early. 

Bradley explained how he and his brother founded their company after spending several years interviewing union members who survived cancer. Through these interviews, they learned about the types of services unions and families could receive during this difficult time. In particular, they discovered many survivors wanted to speak with a knowledgeable person - not search online or through an app - as they went through this difficult journey. This led the brothers to team up with three Taft-Hartly funds in Philadelphia, as they designed and launched CancerNavigators in 2022.

Cancer is the leading cause of death among union members and the number one cost for union health plans, Bradley said. He noted that about 60,000 active members are diagnosed with cancer each year and called early detection essential. If caught early, a person can greatly increase their odds of survival. Early detection also leads to reduced cost to treat the disease, compared to being diagnosed in later stages. Union members have higher risk factors, but unfortuatnely, have lower cancer screening rates. His organization currently works with 26 union healthcare funds, covering about a half-million members and their families. 

In partnership with union healthcare plans, CancerNavigators helps in three ways: Assist members to get screened for cancer, find the best hospital and doctor to treat their specific type of cancer and ensure oncology-certified nurses are on staff to help with all the other challenges they face. 

If the organization does not formally work with a member’s union, a union member could still receive free services, should that person get diagnosed with cancer. Bradley urges union members who have cancer to call 202-933-2863 and speak with one of CancerNavigators oncology-certified nurses.

For more on the services provided by CancerNavigators, listen to the show above.