America's Work Force Union Podcast

ACT Ohio protects union jobs through pro-labor lobby efforts

Written by awfblog | August 1, 2022

International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local 105 Business Manager and Secretary Treasurer Scott Hammond joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed how the Affiliated Construction Trades (ACT) Ohio has successfully lobbied to maintain union friendly laws and policies in Ohio, despite it being an island surrounded by So-Called “Right to Work” states. 

Local 105 represents Boilermakers in Southern Ohio. 

ACT Ohio advocates for union construction and pro-labor policies and laws to protect union building trades jobs, Hammond explained. All the states surrounding Ohio are So-Called “Right to Work” states, but Ohio remains somewhat union friendly largely thanks to the efforts of ACT Ohio, he said. 

Hammond also talked about Ohio’s construction boom and the need to recruit apprentices to fill the workload. 

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about these topics.