America's Work Force Union Podcast

About 4,100 Alabama companies taking advantage of free prison labor

Written by awfblog | January 8, 2024

Adam Keller, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 900 Political Coordinator, joined the America’s Workforce Union Podcast and discussed recent IATSE organizing victories, the Alabama Arise organization and Alabama companies taking advantage of free prison labor.

Keller, who is also the co-host of The Valley Labor Report, discussed a win in the video special effects and video game industries and a recent win at The Alliance Theatre in Atlanta, where more than 30 crew members won voluntary recognition of a first contract.

He then explained the importance of Alabama Arise, a statewide nonprofit coalition fighting for marginalized state residents. Through education, the group tries to show citizens how to take action this legislative session and the power of the vote. 

Keller also addressed how Alabama companies are taking advantage of incarcerated individuals. He said about 4,100 companies in Alabama use free prison labor. At first, the inmates thought they would get paid to perform the work. As time passed and they did not get paid, they were forced to work against their will. Keller called it imperative that organized labor fight for the rights of incarcerated men and women through political action.

Listen to the entire episode to hear more about IATSE: