America's Work Force Union Podcast

A government shutdown would have a far-reaching impact on the economy

Written by awfblog | September 28, 2023

Government Affairs Director for the AFL-CIO, Bill Samuel, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the government shutdown and its potential impact on the U.S. economy. Samuel started his discussion by remembering the late United Steelworkers President, Tom Conway.

Samuel began his conversation by remembering USW’s late president, Tom Conway. Conway carried the Steelworkers through one of the most challenging times in the American steel industry. He worked hand-in-hand with legislators to ensure there was still investment in the steel industry despite their struggles. Samuel talked about the success Conway had in negotiations, and called him a real force at the negotiation table.

Samuel said there is little time left before the deadline for a government shutdown. Beginning next week, any federal workers deemed essential will be required to continue working, however, they will not be paid for that time until the government restarts. There are approximately 1.5 million federal workers and another 2 million contractors who will not be getting paid by the government. Unlike the federal workers, the contractors will not receive back pay unless their direct employer chooses to pay them out of their own pockets.

The last time there was a government shutdown, several air traffic controllers called in sick, and there is a possibility that could happen again. In fact, there’s no guarantee that any of the workers deemed essential will even show up for work, Samuel said. If several federal workers from different industries chose to call in sick during this time, it could completely break down the economy. Samuel called it a self-inflicted wound by Congress if there is a shutdown, and the best route for avoiding the shutdown would be to agree to a status quo for government spending.

To hear more from Bill Samuel, please press play on the episode above.